Lovegrove Mathematicals


"Dedicated to making Likelinesses the entity of prime interest"

What is a mode?

The basic concept of 'mode'

There are several meanings for the word 'mode', not all of which are mathematical.

Two meanings are in common use in mathematics: local mode and global mode. Although there are exceptions, global modes tend to be used when working with data, local modes when working with functions. This can give rise to confusion, for example with authors using properties of local modes even though they have explicitly stated they are using global modes.

On finite sets the basic ideas are very simple.


It's all about which soldiers are so tall that no-one they check is taller.

Definition of a Local mode on XN

Local modes on XN come in two flavours: strong and weak.

If f has domain XN (in particular, if f ∈ S(N) ) then m∈XN is:-

a strong local mode So called because the inequalities < and > are called the strong inequalities of f if

  1. m=1 and f(1)>f(2), or
  2. 1<m<N and f(m-1)<f(m)>f(m+1), or
  3. m=N and f(N-1)<f(N).

a weak local mode The inequalities ≤ and ≥ are called the weak inequalities of f if

  1. m=1 and f(1)≥f(2), or
  2. 1<m<N and f(m-1)≤f(m)≥f(m+1), or
  3. m=N and f(N-1)≤f(N).

The difference between strong and weak local modes is not important for our purposes since we shall be considering only injective unimodal distributions, so the question of equality will not  arise.

In the wider context, however, which is used could be important, especially if local modes are found by counting how many times the different values occur in a data-set.

Definition of a Global mode on XN

If f has domain XN (in particular, if f ∈ S(N) ) then m∈XN is a Global mode of f if f(m)= max{f(i)|i∈XN}

This site uses strong local modes throughout, unless stated otherwise.

Examples of local and global modes

These animations show random selections of unimodal distributions with mode 7 and degree 29, using, respectively, local and global modes.

Animation of Local Modes Animation of Global Modes

Comments about modes

  1. A constant mapping on XN has:-
    • 0 strong local modes
    • N weak local modes
    • N global modes
  2. Every distribution of degree N has:-
    • At least one global mode
    • At least one weak local mode
    • At most N/2 strong local modes if N is even, or (N+1)/2 if N is odd
  3. The most general type of mode is a weak local mode, because:-
    • Every global mode is a weak local mode
    • Every strong local mode is a weak local mode
  4. A local mode requires the domain to be ordered; a global mode does not.
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